Why Smart and Savvy Landscapers Plant Gardens In Fall

If looking out the window at your drab garden elicits a sigh of exasperation rather than admiration, or if scanning your Instagram feed has you envying the lush fall colors of your friend’s tree-lined street in upstate New York – it might be time to rethink your fall garden.

Yes, the peak season for planting is past for this year, and true, California’s Mediterranean climate isn’t exactly synonymous with autumnal colors in the way that, say, the Smokey Mountains in October are.

But, smart landscapers in the San Jose area know that this is actually the ideal time to start planning your next fall garden – especially with oxygen-producing, shade-giving, earth-loving trees! They also know that California-native and California-friendly trees can offer a surprising bounty of fall color.

Here’s what to plant in fall in San Jose, California:

Many native California trees are full of color: the easy-to-grow California Sycamore, for example, with its large trunk and green-to-yellow-to-brown leaves, offers a nice display in fall. The orange, yellow, and red lobed leaves of the California Black Oak can be even more impressive with their multicolored foliage. Cottonwood trees will likely wait until late fall – but before Christmas – to shine.

  • Chinese Pistache trees, while not native to the Golden State, do well here and as a bonus, they don’t require much water. They feature bold red leaves, as does the American Sweet Gum – whose star-shaped leaves also come in a flash of yellow, orange, and burgundy.
  • Other plants, including small trees and shrubs like the multiple varieties of Manzanita, California Buckwheat, Toyon (Christmas Berry), and Squaw Bush Sumac can add depth and visual interest to your fall garden.
  • Planting trees in the San Jose area isn’t exactly rocket science – there are some fairly simple steps you can take to plant a tree yourself. Bayscape also offers a popular Seasonal Color Program that helps you design your planting schemes, helping you create landscaping that makes the best use of color – and fits your vision and budget – for every season of the year.

Whatever you do, don’t waste another moment wishing your fall garden was more vibrant. Get started on next year’s garden, today!

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